The Shame of It

The Shame of It

The Shame Of It The shame of it isI thought I asked for it.That it was my fault.I was only four years old. The shame of it isI stuffed it all in my body.I carried the perpetrators’ filthDeep inside my body.And then I forgot. The shame of it is thatBy keeping it a...
Footprints In My DNA

Footprints In My DNA

I was at my desk by 10 am. It’s part of a new writing routine, to turn up at the same time, same place. It’s a way of showing the muse my commitment to her. But in the last two days, not much writing or research has happened. Yesterday, instead of opening the laptop...


Done They stitched the mouths of the storytellers in my family. Stories brimming with Courage, Beauty, Love Got replaced by rule books On should’s and don’ts. That’s why I was born. With mouth stitched up. That’s why I put up and shut up Until everything...
Waking Up in the Outback

Waking Up in the Outback

Waking Up in the Outback Under the blue dome skies, Anklets jingle. Clouds of red dust blind. A screech pierces ears, Reverberate as words in my womb. ‘Wake up! Wake Up!’ I lift my head skyward. Mother Kali! Mother Goddess, Blue-black skin Thunderbolts in Her eyes. I...

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